Samstag, 12. Oktober 2013


Hello, dear friends,
reporting to you from countryside where I’m currently seeking peace and quiet on a vineyard. Since I haven’t done my homework as a blogger and have only my wine grower outfit to present, which features a mere warm hat as well as gumboots and, therefore, doesn’t deserve mentioning, I introduce to you pictures more of the fabulous gardens I go for walks in than of myself. Those surround the cozy little city of Heidelberg and provide the best possible stage set for relaxation. Some of the facilities (like tree nursery Huben: ) offer courses on gardening and, as you probably already have guessed, plants for your very own sweet green paradise. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
And I’m going to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and miss my beloved girl with a camera Nicky Lee while doing so.
See U next week.
Sincerely yours,


And to spice things up...

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